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Book lover in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2018-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bookletbook of proverbshead over heels in loveloverploveralloverall overgloverMeaning: n. someone who loves (and usually collects) books. 
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1, He was regarded as the classic book lover.
2, See, I become a book lover.
3, Bookins - Every " green" book lover should be keen on reducing, reusing and recycling their literature.
4, I'm a book lover.
5, An avid book lover, Chan Hei Shing is currently based in London. His artworks and designs have a focus of multi-cultural diversity with a contemporary artistic sense.
6, There is still a need, just like in the old days of paper-only, for an educated cross-referencer who can say to the book lover 'here are some other books you might enjoy.
7, If you are looking for a quick in and out visit, this may not be the bookshop for you, especially if you are a true book lover.
8, There is no one who boasts himself as a book lover without knowing its name.
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